Moby is a very sweet, special cat. He has Chronic Kidney Disease (IRIS Stage 3) as well as diabetes and arthritis, but he never lets that get him down! Here’s what Moby’s Mom, Marcie, has to say about her wonderful boy:
Kidney Disease in cats is so much more common than I ever knew, and so many people are in situations similar to ours. When I meet a cat guardian who is caring for a cat with CKD, we connect immediately and it’s a nice feeling to talk to someone who has a similar kitty lifestyle. And people are very understanding of Moby’s needs: Although not every pet sitter can administer fluids, we are lucky to have neighbors who have experienced this with their cat, and are willing to help out. Also, my family always welcomes Moby when we visit, and accommodates him with his own quiet room. And FFRR has been so kind, understanding and supportive--they are invaluable! Any time I have a question about anything cat-health related, they assist me by hearing my concerns, and providing valuable information to help us get Moby the assistance and veterinary expertise he needs. All of this is very helpful in providing Moby with the best care, and insuring that, in spite of his medical issues he gets to participate in the family activities he enjoys.”
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." –Winston Churchill